I'm Jesse Garcia, an artist from Colorado. I have not been in I'm getting some animation software and hope to be able to do some cartoons to put on here... But I will also have sketches, art, and animation stuff.... So stop by for a bit of my take on animation.
I have done some storyboard cleanup when I was younger for Street Sharks, Duckman, Casper, and created pilot for a Chinese animated series to be released during the Beijing Olympics. I am doing some writing and illustration for Odyssey books.I attended the Art Institute of Colorado for a while but moved to Vancouver to pursue the opportunity's Chinese animation offered at the time. Since I have drawn less, and plan to get back into the art end of the business a lot more and hope to have some good sketches and toons soon....
I'm leaving myself a comment....Yep
This stuff is looking Good... You have an excellent style and I can't wait to see your web toons. It lookd like you have one hell of an imaginenation to work with.
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