Thursday, December 4, 2008

Jesse Garcia Sketches 12-3-08

These are sketches I did today...I also put a couple of old color pics from last year on too...

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Some random sketches...

Hands...I used to be able to draw these Raul Garcia hands he was doing for Sian Ka'an, but I forgot how they went??? I'll try some?

Here are some sketches... Different styles and stuff. I still have not chosen a total style, and am finding out one is starting to emerge.

This is what I think the head of Wall Street looks like Right??? He is doing the Rich ass shuffle of the rich...
Klasky Csupo dog, actually he is a little overdrawn for klasky's...

This is a storyboad of a happy gator...Another 2d/3d style hybrid...

This trips me out a little, it is a kid in the desert with a serious but blank look???

A Chuck Harvey bear! I love drawing these guys.

I'm 28 and still have not really picked a style yet. I am torn between the modern 2d flat stuff, and the old disney look? I'm going kind of in the center and sometimes it looks like a flat 3d sketch. But I'm working it out and I thing as long as they don't break any fundimental rule or something it should be ok.
I've been doing some Illustration, painting, and comics to try and get something off the ground but animation, hmmmm.... I still want to try and get back in the Hollywood end of the business.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Jesse's Animation Page

I'm Jesse Garcia, an artist from Colorado. I have not been in I'm getting some animation software and hope to be able to do some cartoons to put on here... But I will also have sketches, art, and animation stuff.... So stop by for a bit of my take on animation.

I have done some storyboard cleanup when I was younger for Street Sharks, Duckman, Casper, and created pilot for a Chinese animated series to be released during the Beijing Olympics. I am doing some writing and illustration for Odyssey books.I attended the Art Institute of Colorado for a while but moved to Vancouver to pursue the opportunity's Chinese animation offered at the time. Since I have drawn less, and plan to get back into the art end of the business a lot more and hope to have some good sketches and toons soon....